Sunday, March 25, 2007

War Porn

On the Media, had a report on a new military program which posts videos of the occupation in Iraq. They are using professionally shot videos and putting them on YouTube. As one might expect, the videos always show the US and Iraqi forces in a good light and while I do take issue with the military for posting these videos, I was more frustrated with the interviewer, Bob Garfield, for these reasons:
  1. At no point did Garfield bring up the fact that the Pentagon prevents the press from showing military funerals or bodies returning from Iraq. I know that the officer in charge of the program is not responsible for this decision, but the audience deserves to hear about it.
  2. Garfield never established why this program was started, when it is fairly clear that this acts as a recruitment tool. This is incredibly problematic, as the target for these videos are young kids who will fall in love with the action.
These are substantive criticisms, I wish Garfield had made them.

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