Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Something everyone can agree on

I watched some of the lowlights from the Gonzales hearing today, and I all I can say is that impeachment proceedings should start on him immediately. If the President won't get rid of him, we will get rid of him ourselves. I think this comment from the Washington Post blog sums it up perfectly (from Atrios):
No reasonable person watching Gonzales' tragically comedic performance Tuesday's on Capitol Hill-- especially his miserable exchange with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) in late morning-- can any longer defend his appalling lack of competence, courage and credibility. And no one who hears him say that he is what's best for the Department right now should forget that on the eve of his testimony (and a few days after he urged his subordinates to work diligently to regain their morale) the nation's top law enforcement official reportedly left work early to go for a bike ride Monday afternoon-- at about 3:50 p.m.

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